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February 2019
Astronomy on tap
Monday, 2019/02/11, 20:00 Please register If talking about astronomy and space science over drinks in a bar sounds like fun to you, then better join us for the fifth Astronomy on Tap in Bern to listen to various talks, from the interior of Exoplanets to the connection of SciFi literature and science. In honor of the 100 year anniversary of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) (https://www.iau-100.org) and the “Women & Girls in Astronomy Day”, we will have an all female…
Workshop on Machine Learning
Machine Learning methods have been around for many years now and their use is growing within the astronomical community. This 3 days workshop will focus on the practical use of supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning techniques on astronomical data, with short theoretical introductions followed by extensive hands-on sessions. The aim of the workshop is to provide astronomers with practical skills they could directly use in their research. The participation requires no prior knowledge of Machine Learning, only some basic knowledge…
May 2019
Nccr-Planets at the Fantasy Basel
Date: Friday 3rd May to Sunday 5th May 2019 Location: Messe Basel, Switzerland Hall 1.1 Booth 902 Opening times: Friday: noon to 9 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ticket checking starting 9.30 a.m for presale tickets. Thanks to our new admission procedure, visitors with a presale ticket will be able to enter the fair halls much faster. Programme: Friday, 3. Mai 2019 19:30 Exploration of the Solar System: Prof. Nicolas Thomas, University of bern and guests…
Nccr-Planets at the Fantasy Basel
Date: Friday 3rd May to Sunday 5th May 2019 Location: Messe Basel, Switzerland Hall 1.1 Booth 902 Opening times: Friday: noon to 9 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ticket checking starting 9.30 a.m for presale tickets. Thanks to our new admission procedure, visitors with a presale ticket will be able to enter the fair halls much faster. Programme: Friday, 3. Mai 2019 19:30 Exploration of the Solar System: Prof. Nicolas Thomas, University of bern and guests…
Nccr-Planets at the Fantasy Basel
Date: Friday 3rd May to Sunday 5th May 2019 Location: Messe Basel, Switzerland Hall 1.1 Booth 902 Opening times: Friday: noon to 9 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ticket checking starting 9.30 a.m for presale tickets. Thanks to our new admission procedure, visitors with a presale ticket will be able to enter the fair halls much faster. Programme: Friday, 3. Mai 2019 19:30 Exploration of the Solar System: Prof. Nicolas Thomas, University of bern and guests…
June 2019
Origins of Solar Systems
PDF Meteoritical, Spacecraft, and Astrophysical Perspectives on the Assembly and Composition of Planets and Gordon Research Seminar:The Composition and Assembly of Planets Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA June 23-28, 2019 Chair: Larry Nittler Vice Chair: Alycia Weinberger The GRC brings together a diverse group of scientists to discuss research at the frontier of understanding how planets and planetary systems form. Invited speakers from the fields of astronomy, astrophysics, cosmochemistry, and planetary science will present their latest findings. A particular…
Bern in Space
Bern celebrates 50 years of moon landing – When Buzz Aldrin was the second man to leave the lunar module on 21 July 1969, first he unfurled the solar wind sail of the University of Bern and put it into the bottom of the moon before the American flag. This experiment was one of the first major highlights of Bern’s space research – and the only non-American experiment on board the Apollo 11. Over the past 50 years, the University…
November 2019
Semaine de l’entrepreneuriat 2019
The TP takes part and support the ‘Global Entrepreneurship Week’ of Geneva which is called ‘Liberez vos idées’. It will be held at the University of Geneva between November 18th and 23rd. Global Entrepreneurship Week is a collection of tens of thousands of events, activities and competitions each November that inspire millions to explore their potential as an entrepreneur while fostering connections and increasing collaboration within their ecosystems. The goal of Liberez vos idées is to create a platform to…
January 2020
PlanetS General Assembly 7
The 7th NCCR PlanetS General Assembly will take place Online, via Zoom on January 20-22, 2021. Program SOC Prof. Stéphane Udry, stephane.udry_at_unige.ch Co-Director NCCR PlanetS Observatoire Astronomique de l’Université de Genève Prof Dr. Yann Alibert, yann.alibert_at_space.unibe.ch Scientific Officer NCCR PlanetS, University of Bern LOC Janine Jungo, janine.jungo_at_space.unibe.ch Project Assistant NCCR PlanetS, University of Bern Participant list Afram Nadine, ETH Zürich Al Moulla Khaled, Université de Genève Alei Eleonora, ETH Zürich Alesina Fabien, Université de Genève Alibert Yann, Universität Bern Allart Romain,…
PlanetS General Assembly 6
The 6th NCCR PlanetS General Assembly will take place at the Eurotel Montreux on January 27-29, 2020. All NCCR members and associates are invited to join. External members only by invitation by a PI and at their own cost. Location Eurotel Montreux Grand-Rue 81 CH-1820 Montreux Suisse 0041 (0)21 966 22 22 https://www.eurotel-montreux.ch/en/ Registration / Important Dates 15.11.2019, Registration opens 15.12.2019, Registration closes 27.01.2020, Start General Assembly 29.01.2020, End General Assembly 29.01.2020, Board meeting #21 REGISTRATION FORM CANCELLATION POLICY: Please…
March 2020
Businesses are facing faster changes. Does digitalisation necessarily induce a rupture? Or should we rather aim for a progressive improvement of processes and products? What skills and talents do we need to meet these challenges? How to combine sustainability and profitability? So many questions that will be the common thread of this third edition of FORWARD.
Swiss edition ESA JWST Master Class Workshop
Dear fellow Swiss-based astronomers, This is an announcement of the Swiss edition of the ESA JWST Master Class Workshop to be held on the 23rd and 24th of March, 2020 in Bern. The workshop is organized within ESA’s framework of preparing the community for the JWST Cycle 1 call for proposals, based on hands-on training materials supplied directly by ESA. Registration deadline: 3 February, 2020. Full details and registration: http://jwstworkshop2020switzerland.strw.leidenuniv.nl/ The Swiss JWST Workshop will consist of the first ‘core’…
June 2020
SNF Site Visit, Year 6
The NCCR PlanetS Site Visit for Year 6 took place on June 4&5, 2020. The review panel conducted its review of the 6th contact year on 4-5 June 2020 in the format of an online meeting via Webex. The originally planned on-site visit at the Observatory of the University of Geneva of 4/5 June had to be cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
December 2020
SPIE – Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation: reschedules and relocates
This conference covers a wide variety of both ground-based and space instrumentation for astronomy and astrophysics. In addition to instrumentation, the meeting also discusses systems engineering and project management in the relevant fields of research. Previously scheduled in Yokohama but based on current travel restrictions and feedback from the community, the conference and exhibition have been rescheduled and relocated to the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California, USA this December.
June 2021
SNF Site Visit, Year 7
The NCCR PlanetS Site Visit for year 7 will take place on June 3&4, 2021 at the Observatory in Versoix. More information will follow by e-mail.
June 2022
Astronomical Innovation
Do you want to learn more about Entrepreneurship and possibilities to develop your Idea, with the help of your Research Institution? Come and join us, the 2nd of June at 14h (start of the event!), at the Geneva Observatory and meet Innovation experts from University of Geneva, Berne, Zurich and ETHZ. Program (confirmed speakers only – check for updates) 14h00 Welcome addresses Prof. Jérôme Lacour, Dean UniGE Faculty of Science Prof. Nicolas Thomas, Director PlanetS and co-leader TIP…
February 2023
Innovation and Entrepreneurship at NASA: Lessons Learned
The NCCR PlanetS, in collaboration with the Innovation Office of the University of Bern, the Entrepreneurship Center and be-advanced are happy to invite you the 20th of February 2023 for a unique event in company of Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen about the lessons he learnt at NASA regarding Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
March 2023
Global Science Film Festival
The NCCR PlanetS team will be featured in the short movie CaSSIS. Mars Demystified. Devils by Tatiana Keller (Drozhzhova). The movie has been selected amongst thousands of candidates to be projected in Basel during the Global Science Film Festival. The festival is held in several cities and countries simultaneously and focus on Reconnecting Science and Society. For more information, visit the festival website: www.sciencefilm.ch
May 2023
SNF Site Visit, Year 9: 22-23 May 2023
The NCCR Site Visit will take place on 22-23 May 2023 at the Geneva Observatory in Versoix. The first day will be dedicated to achievements and science and the second day will deal with management aspects. All PlanetS members (in particular PhD students, postdocs and senior scientists) are expected to be there on the first day, Monday 22 May, and associates are welcome. The second day, Tuesday 23 May, is reserved for the PlanetS board and platform members and the…