Events List Navigation
March 2016
Solving for the problem of stellar noise in radial velocity measurements to enable the detection of Earth-twins
Dr. Xavier Dumusque, Observatoire de Genève, Switzerland
Massive planets’ orbital migration in discs with various viscosity prescriptions
Dr. Xiaojia Zhang, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UC Santa Cruz, U.S.A
Hot Jupiter Global Circulation Models
31.03.2016 Dr. Sebastien Fromang, CEA-Saclay, Paris, France THURSDAY, MARCH 31 – Same room and time
April 2016
Disk fragmentation and the formation of giant planets and brown dwarfs on wide orbits
06.04.2016 Dr. Eduard Vorobyov, Institut für Astrophysik, Universität Wien, Österreich
VERITAS: a Next Generation Radar to Explore the Surface of Venus
VERITAS: a Next Generation Radar to Explore the Surface of Venus Speaker: Dr. Scott Hensley, NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Language: English
Terrestrial planet formation with N-body simulations
Dr. Simon Grimm, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Switzerland
Quantum Mechanics of Spectral Lines
Prof. Jonathan Tennyson (University College London, Department of Physics & Astronomy, U.K.)
The Chelyabinsk Airburst
20.04.2016 Dr. Olga Popova, Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres RAS, Moscow, Russia
Frontiers of Exoplanet Atmosphere Characterization with the Hubble Space Telescope
Laura Kreidberg (University of Chicago, Department of Astronomy, U.S.A.)
May 2016
Simulations and Possible Observations of Circumplanetary Disks
04.05.2016 Dr. Judit Szulagyi, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Chemical exchanges between a global ocean and an atmosphere on early Titan
11.05.2016 Dr. Nadejda Marounina, Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique, Nantes, France
Atmospheric Chemistry and Biosignatures of Exoplanets
18.05.2016 CSH Dr. Renyu Hu (Caltech, Department of Astronomy, U.S.A.)
The Dynamical Evolution of Giant Planets and the Delivery of Atmophile Elements during Terrestrial Planet Formation
25.05.2016 Dr. Soko Matsumura, Division of Physics, Dundee, UK
June 2016
Venus Missions: Past, Present, Planned and Pretend
01.06.2016* Dr. David Grinspoon, Planetary Science Institute, Arizona, U.S.A.
Geophysical habitability of Earth-like planets
ETH Zürich Astronomy, 09.06.2016, 14:00, HIT J 43.1, Prof. Stephen J. Mojzsis, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA (http://isotope.colorado.edu/~mojzsis/) What makes an Earth-like planet geophysically habitable? The chemical makeup of a planet is as important to its habitable potential as its proximity to the “habitable zone”. Planetary elemental abundances govern mantle processes, and thus the nature of crust, atmosphere and hydrosphere. For example, without plate tectonics dictated by internal heat and mineral composition (translated into rheology), and liquid water, a sustained…
September 2016
Seminar by Visiting Scholar Hilke Schlichting
“Crash, Boom, Bang: Impacts & the Formation of Planets at home and abroad” Prof. Hilke Schlichting 1.September 2016, 16.15, ETH Zentrum, NO C44
Visit/Session Prof. D. Stevenson
We are pleased to welcome Prof. David Stevenson from Caltech (https://www.gps.caltech.edu/content/david-j-dave-stevenson) for a Planet-Z meeting at UniZH on 20th September. Stevenson is a renowned planetary scientist who investigates planet formation and planetary interiors. In particular, he works on applying fluid mechanics and magnetohydrodynamics to understand the internal structure and evolution of planets and moons. Stevenson will give a talk in the morning of 20th September entitled: “Jupiter’s Core (and why you should care)”. Everyone involved in PlanetS is invited…
January 2017
Physik am Freitag: Ein neuer Planet im Sonnensystem? Planetenkandidat 9 und seine entfernten Verwandten
Ein neuer Planet im Sonnensystem? Planetenkandidat 9 und seine entfernten Verwandten Datum 20.01.2017 Zeit 16:30 Uhr Ort ExWi, 099 Dozent Christoph Mordasini http://www.unibe.ch/fak_naturwis/b_paw/a_fphyast/content/ueber_uns/aktuell/physik_am_freitag/index_ger.html
July 2017
Visiting Scholar Prof. Kees Dullemond – Seminar
Prof. Kees Dullemond will give a talk in the Earth Science department. His talk will be next Thursday, 6th July. It will be held in NO C6 at 12.15. The title is not confirmed yet, but his research profile can be found here: http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~dullemond/index.shtml?lang=en