National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

Author Archive

New members of PlanetS

New members of PlanetS

Ravit Helled is a new professor at the University of Zurich and is going to replace Prof. Michael Meyer in the academic platform of PlanetS. “I am working with people who are involved in different PlanetS projects, and my main interests are linked to theory of planet formation, evolution, and internal structure,” she explains. Ravit […]

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Postcards and roll-ups

Postcards and roll-ups

You have soon a presentation, you are invited to a talk or you organize an event? Then the communication and outreach team can offer to support you with outreach material to reinforce your message and to make the NCCR PlanetS further known. On the one hand, two postcards are available. One of them is advertising […]

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Red grass, Einstein and ESPRESSO

Red grass, Einstein and ESPRESSO

Since the launch of the PlanetS Facebook page in April 2016, every week the team of authors has published more than ten new posts. Here is a list of the contributions that reached the most people. The winner with 2418 people reached is a story published on 27 May – Neighbors Day. It shows a picture […]

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Atmospheric chemistry on paper

Atmospheric chemistry on paper

Normally computers speed up calculations. But with his new pen-and-paper formula Kevin Heng of the University of Bern gets his results thousands of times faster than using conventional computer codes. The astrophysicist calculates the abundances of molecules (known as atmospheric chemistry) in exoplanetary atmospheres. Ultimately, deciphering the abundances of molecules allows us to interpret if […]

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Reporting on our activities

Reporting on our activities

Dear Reader, The beginning of the presentations of our activities to the international expert panel and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) representatives marks the end of a year-long preparation process. While PlanetS enjoys significant freedom in its organisation and priority setting, reporting on our activities is an essential element in our yearly cycle. This takes the […]

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How planetary age reveals water content

How planetary age reveals water content

Water is necessary for life as we know it, but too much water is bad for habitability. Therefore, to study the habitability of extrasolar planets, determining the abundance of water is a key element. Yann Alibert, Science Officer of PlanetS, shows that the observation of exoplanets at different ages can be used to set statistical […]

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The Universe from a Child’s Perspective

The Universe from a Child’s Perspective

“The Universe provides ample scope to use one’s own imagination,” says Anna Lehninger.   The art historian investigates children’s drawings as a cultural asset and has had a look at the pictures resulting from the drawing campaign carried out in association with the CHEOPS mission. In early 2018, 3000 drawings will be sent with the CHEOPS […]

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Top Marks for PlanetS

Top Marks for PlanetS

Once a year renowned experts evaluate the scientific quality and the progress made in every Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR).  After a two-day exam at the end of May at the Geneva Observatory the review panel was highly impressed by the activities of the NCCR PlanetS. The yearly site visit of the […]

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