National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

Internal Newsletter

General Assembly 2022 in Grindelwald

General Assembly 2022 in Grindelwald

The first in-person General Assembly in two years took place in Grindelwald. Nearly 150 members and associates, as well as the Advisory Board, gathered there to present and listen to each other’s research progress, catch up with or meet colleagues in-person for the first time and overall enjoyed a very rewarding time. After two years […]

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Prestigious Grants and Honors of PlanetS members

Prestigious Grants and Honors of PlanetS members

Despite the difficulties that the pandemic brought with it, our members have been incredibly successful in applying for prestigious grants and were honored with exceptional awards and prizes. Below follows an overview of some of the more recent examples.   Paolo Sossi (ETHZ) and Brice Demory (UBE) won Starting and Consolidator Grants from the European […]

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When in doubt, aim high

When in doubt, aim high

Veerle Sterken had been away from a paid job in cosmic dust science for three years. Then she convinced the European Research Council (ERC) to fund her project on interstellar dust. That kick-started her “second career” in astrophysics and led to her project being welcomed into PlanetS by the board.  “I will send out my […]

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Science taught her to stand up for herself

Science taught her to stand up for herself

Yogita Kadlag is an astrophysicist from Maharashtra, India. Since October 2019, she’s been a member of the NCCR PlanetS. From her hometown, where she is stranded due to the Corona pandemic, she spoke to us about her work, cultural differences and discrimination. “It’s raining heavily at the moment; can we try again in 20 minutes?”, […]

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Professor wanted! 

Professor wanted! 

The Space Research and Planetology Division within the Physics Institute of the University of Bern has an opening, as per 1 January 2022, for a full or associate professor (100%) in the field of Theoretical Planetology.

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At the interface between PlanetS and SNSF

At the interface between PlanetS and SNSF

By Leonore Lovis As finance coordinator, I am at the interface between PlanetS and SNSF for all financial aspects (from the global view on PlanetS financial situation up to details on specific expenses) as well as for matters related to the employment of PlanetS members. In addition, at the local level, this position includes the […]

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New initiatives

New initiatives

The NCCR PlanetS Board at its meeting on Friday November 8, 2019 has decided to attribute CHF 350’000 to two new initiatives. Holly Capelo and Monika Lendl describe what the new projects are about. TEMPus VoLA: The Timed Epstein Multi-Pressure-Vessel at Low Accelerations from Holly L. Capelo UBE, Jean-David Bodénan ETHZ/UZH, Clement Surville UZH, Jonas Guillaume Kühn UBE, […]

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Survey: PlanetS Members feel well informed

Survey: PlanetS Members feel well informed

In October, the communication team conducted a survey of PlanetS members and associates on communication and outreach. With the survey, the communication team wanted to find out how well the PlanetS members are informed about the latest news and topics relevant to them, which communication channels and service offerings are used for outreach and how, […]

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