National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

Afram Nadine, Dr.


Please give us a personal quote or a quote of a famous person (e.g. of Albert Einstein) that describes you and your life/work.
„What day is it?“ „It’s today,“ squeaked Piglet. „My favourite day,“ said Pooh. (A.A. Milne)

Please describe your job in only one sentence and tell us what the most important goal of this work is.
I am responsible for gender equity and the training of young researchers (professional development). My most important goal is to ensure that young NCCR PlanetS researchers, both women and men from diverse backgrounds, obtain the professional training required for advancing their individual careers.

How did you get into this research/work field?
I have been a Postdoc in Astrophysics for several years and also worked as a maths high school teacher: both paths led me to search for a position in which I could use both experiences and help young scientists advance their careers.

What would be the greatest discovery you would like to see in your life time?

You work for the NCCR PlanetS. What do you think will the NCCR enable you to do you couldn’t do without it?
Working at NCCR PlanetS will allow me to be in a field that I know well, and in a new role in which I can do what has always been very important to me, but for which I didn’t have the right environment/function. I appreciate very much how the project is embedded in Switzerland and has very useful connections to several universities.

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