Phase 2
The research carried out within PlanetS is structured in three research domains and their projects covering all aspects of planet formation and evolution. They take advantage of all infrastructures (ground and/or space), at all relevant wavelengths, and combine their information with laboratory analyses and theoretical modelling. In the pooling of resources and expertise synergy is created and new possibilities become available. The projects add to the existing research carried out in the different research groups across the country leading to a coherent national effort in providing a complete picture of planet formation and evolution.
Research domains
Project 1.7
Isotope astrochemistry: linking star formation with the solar system record
S. Wampfler, UBE
Project 1.8
The Heliosphere and the dust characterisation the solar and interstellar neighborhood
V. Sterken, ETHZ
Project 2.4
Planet evolution: connection with stellar properties, processes, and formation
R. Helled, UZH
Project 3.6
Future upper atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets with spectroscopy
D. Ehrenreich, UGE
Project 3.7
PlanetsInTime: The history of planets from their origin to present day
C. Mordasini, UBE
Project 3.9
V. Bourrier, UGE
Project 4.1
Characterisation of bio-markers using spectro-polarimetry
A. Pommerol, UBE <br> B.-O. Demory, UBE