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October 2015

Board Meeting #7

02/10/2015 @ 10:00 - 17:00
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Venue – University of Bern, Parkterrasse 14, Room 324, 3012 Bern The meeting will take place in Meeting Room 324 at the Parkterrasse 14 (refer to map below) near the train station. It is directly across from the Exakte Wissenschaft building (ExWi), down the stairs and the first door on your right. Please download map here. Participants UBE: Willy Benz, Klaus Mezger, Nicolas Thomas, Yann Alibert, Carsten Knigge, Janine Jungo UGE: Stephane Udry, Francesco Pepe, Sophie Saesen ETHZ: Michael R. Meyer,…

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Colloquia: ETHZ Earth Sciences – “Hayabusa2: Sample return from a C-type near Earth asteroids 1999 JU3”

05/10/2015 @ 17:15 - 18:15
ETHZ Zentrum Earth Sciences, NO C 60
Zurich, Switzerland

This week’s ETHZ Earth Sciences Colloquium will be “Hayabusa2: Sample return from a C-type near Earth asteroids 1999 JU3” by Shogo Tachibana (Hokkaido University Sapporo). The talk is followed by an apero.

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Public Lecture:

05/10/2015 @ 18:15 - 19:00
Universität Bern, UniS, A003, Schanzeneckstr. 1
3012 Bern,

6:15 pm Public Lecture: Markus Mühling (Lüneburg): “Einsteins Glaube” UniS A022, Schanzeneckstr. 1, 3012 Bern The event is organized in cooperation with the Karl Heim Gesellschaft.

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Seminar: Electronic Spectra of organic Radicals and Ions of Relevance to Interstellar Space and Combustion

07/10/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Seminar: Electronic Spectra of organic Radicals and Ions of Relevance to Interstellar Space and Combustion Prof. John P. Maier, Departement Chemie, Universität Basel, Schweiz  Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern

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Colloquia: ETHZ ASTRO – “Exoplanet Populations”

13/10/2015 @ 16:15 - 17:15
ETH Hoenggerberg ASTRO, HIT H 42
ZUrich, Switzerland

Rebekah Dawson (U. C. Berkeley) will give this week’s ETHZ Astrophysical Colloquium. Tea with the speaker is served at 15:45 in HIT J 43.1

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Seminar: Direct Imaging of Exoplanets

14/10/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

  Seminar: Direct Imaging of Exoplanets Dr. Sacha Quanz, Institut für Astronomie, ETH Zürich Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern

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Colloquia: ETHZ ASTRO – “Evolution of Circumstellar Disks”

20/10/2015 @ 16:15 - 17:15
ETH Hoenggerberg ASTRO, HIT H 42
ZUrich, Switzerland

Ilaria Pascucci (University of Arizona) will be giving this week’s ETH-Hoenggerberg Astrophysical Colloquium. Tea with the speaker is served at 15:45 in HIT J 43.1

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Seminar: The Next Generation Transit Survey

21/10/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Seminar: The Next Generation Transit Survey Dr. Daniel Bayliss, Universität Genf, Schweiz Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern Joint CSH-WP Seminars  

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Seminar: Rosetta and the Origin of the Solar System

28/10/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Seminar: Rosetta and the Origin of the Solar System Prof. Willy Benz, Physikalisches Intitut, Universität Bern, Schweiz CSH: Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern    

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November 2015

Colloquia: ETHZ ASTRO – “Direct Imaging of Exoplanets”

03/11/2015 @ 16:15 - 17:15
ETH Hoenggerberg ASTRO, HIT H 42
ZUrich, Switzerland

Sasha Hinkley (Exeter) will give this week’s ETH-Hoenggerberg Astrophysical Colloquium. Tea with the speaker is served at 15:45 in HIT J 43.1

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Seminar: Investigation of the interaction between the heliosphere and the interstellar medium by Voyager

04/11/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Seminar: Investigation of the interaction between the heliosphere and the interstellar medium by Voyager Prof. George Gloeckler, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA CSH: Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern      

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Seminar: Variability and heterogeneity of the gas coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

11/11/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Seminar: Variability and heterogeneity of the gas coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko PD Dr. Martin Rubin, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Schweiz CSH: Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern      

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Seminar: Life on the rocks

18/11/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Seminar: Life on the rocks Dr. Anna Neubeck, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden CSH: Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern    

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Colloquia: From Gas to Stars in Galaxies and Clouds

18/11/2015 @ 16:15 - 17:15
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

CSH Colloquia: From Gas to Stars in Galaxies and Clouds Prof. Mordecai Mac Low (American Museum of Natural History and Columbia University) Joint with Bern Physics Colloquium (BPC): Mittwoch, 16.15-­‐17.15 Uhr, Hörraum B6, ExWi, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern

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 1st PlanetS workshop on Bayesian Statistics

Bern University. Seminar Room 215., Hochschulstrasse 4
Bern, 3012 Switzerland

Thank you! The organisers would like to thank the speakers and all participants of the workshop for a very fruitful meeting. See you again soon for the second workshop in the series. The video recording of the talks can be found here. You can skip between talks using the bookmarks on the left hand menu. ===== Data analysis is a central part of the scientific method. The discovery and characterisation of exoplanets requires sophisticated statistical methods, to extract weak planetary signals…

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December 2015

Seminar: The chemical composition of the gas coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

02/12/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Seminar: The chemical composition of the gas coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Dr. Léna Le Roy, Physikalisches Intitut, Universität Bern, Schweiz Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern      

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Building the World’s Largest Telescopes at ESO

02/12/2015 @ 16:15 - 17:15
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Building the World’s Largest Telescopes at ESO Datum: 02.12.2015 Zeit: 16:15 Ort: ExWi, B6 Referent: Tim de Zeeuw (ESO) Abstract: ESO is an intergovernmental organisation for astronomy founded in 1962 by five countries. It currently has 15 Member States in Europe with Brazil poised to join in the near future. Together these countries represent approximately 30 percent of the world’s astronomers. ESO operates optical/infrared observatories on La Silla and Paranal in Chile, partners in the sub-millimetre radio observatories APEX and…

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Eine Reise von Kopernikus zur modernen Exoplaneten-Forschung: Revolution im Weltall

04/12/2015 @ 18:00 - 20:00
Universität Bern, Hochschulstrasse 4
3012 Bern,

Ein Abend mit der Wissenschaftsjournalistin und Bestsellerautorin Dava Sobel anlässlich der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde durch die Universität Bern. Am Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015, 18.00 Uhr, in der Aula im Hauptgebäude. Dava Sobel hat sich mit einer neuen Form des populären, wissenschaftlichen Sachbuchs eine weltweite Fangemeinde geschaffen. In «Und die Sonne stand still» rekonstruiert sie Schlüsselmomente des Lebens des Astronomen Nikolaus Kopernikus, der mit seinen Visionen ein neues Weltbild aufgezeigt hat, das in wesentlichen Zügen bis in unsere Zeit gültig ist. Gemeinsam mit Dava Sobel…

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Seminar: Magnetic Interactions between Stars and Planets

09/12/2015 @ 14:15 - 15:45
Universität Bern, Exakte Wissenschaften, Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland Switzerland

Seminar: Magnetic Interactions between Stars and Planets Prof. Andrew Cumming, McGill, Montreal, Canada Mittwoch, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Hörraum B5, Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi), Sidlertrasee 5, 3012 Bern      

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NCCR Inter-Project Meeting #1: Planet Formation by Pebble Accretion

14/12/2015 @ 10:00 - 17:00
Universität Bern, Parkterrasse 14, Parkterrasse 14
3012 Bern, Switzerland

The first of  NCCR inter-project meeting  will be devoted to planet formation by pebbles accretion, and related topics, including: – theoretical models of planet formation by pebbles accretion – thermal and chemical evolution of pebbles during their drift in the protoplanetary disk – cosmo-chemical constraints on the origin of material forming the inner bodies of planetary systems (in particular solar system) – theoretical models of pebble formation – dust/solid observations in protoplanetary disks – any other related topics. The meeting will…

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