Planetarium show about exoplanets

From the beginning of December the topic of exoplanets will inspire the audience of the planetarium of the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne. The new show titled “Out There” was written by the curator Marc Horat and was developed in close collaboration with the NCCR PlanetS.
Recently, Marc Horat visited the University of Bern and the Observatory of Geneva to take pictures with a 360-degree camera equipped with several GoPro cameras. The recordings will be included in the show.
[vrview img=”” pimg=”” width=”1200″ height=”600″ ]The CHEOPS cleanroom at the University of Bern: Klick on the image and turn around to have a 360 degree view. If you don’t see the image, please change the browser. (Image Marc Horat)
Important shots have been taken from the CHEOPS clean room. The recordings themselves were done in a few minutes. A lot of time, however, took making the preparations, because the camera and the tripod had to be cleaned according to the regulations. After about an hour, Marc Horat finally entered the clean room together with Severin Oeschger and Martin-Diego Busch – wrapped in clean-room clothes. A big thank you to the two gentlemen and to Annette Jäckel who made it possible. (GS)
Categories: Internal Newsletter