Explore the universe from home with PlanetS

For weeks we have been spending most of our time at home. We are distancing ourselves from each other, trying to get the Corona crisis under control.
That brings with it many challenges. Schools, for example, now often rely on online lessons. But that doesn’t work smoothly everywhere and in some places lessons are cancelled.
What to do with the children who have to spend their days at home?
The NCCR PlanetS has taken the time to set up an online platform universe@home that offers a whole range of different exciting activities and learning materials about the universe. For children, teachers, and space enthusiasts of all ages.
From printable models of the CHEOPS telescope, to hands-on experiments and virtual reality excursions, there is something for everyone. Some of the resources are provided by PlanetS itself, the rest are selected from various external platforms.
We wish you a lot of fun and hope you get through this difficult time well.
Categories: External Newsletter, News, Uncategorized