National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

KT with a short-term project

Are you postdoc or engineer, PlanetS Member or Associate? Have you developed competences or ideas that maybe applied to areas outside your specific research activities? Would you like to have a work experience outside of PlanetS in industry or in another research laboratory/institution for a limited period of time while still being employed by PlanetS or Partner Institutes?

If so, the Technology and Innovation Platform (TIP) of PlanetS can support you with an ad hoc contract between PlanetS and the external Partner of your choice with up to 3 months of financial support (salary compensation) in order to pursue your project. To be eligible, following minimum conditions must be fulfilled:

1.  You propose or you have been proposed a project

2.  You have or you have been proposed an external Partner

3.  Your project is not just a continuation of your normal work neither an internship. You expect/plan to transfer knowledge to the external Partner and develop new ‘aspects’, which would not be addressed in your normal work otherwise.

The external experience (or “externship”) is aimed at being of benefit for all the parties: You will have the chance to gain a significant and valuable experience in the private sector or another laboratory, and to expand your professional network. The external Partner will benefit from your competences and time. Your actual PlanetS employer will benefit from the gained experience. In practical terms, your contract can be frozen for the duration of the external project and will resume at the end of the mandate funded by the TIP and possible third parties.

Start watching out already now for a project of your interest and take the time to fill out the following form: Short-term project form (for collaborators of NCCR PlanetS). The TIP may provide support throughout the process and might help you finding a project if you do not already have your own.

If you are the industry or the research laboratory which would like to propose a project, please fill out the following form: Proposal of a short-term project with knowledge transfer (for the external partner).

Entries for Proposal of a short-term project with knowledge transfer

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Entry Date Name of the company/institution Title of the project Brief description of a project you would like to propose (with regard to technology transfer) Place of work
24/12/2024 at 11:23 QuadraticMed GmbH Health outcome analysis using Bayesian and machine learning approaches

The intern will apply Bayesian statistical modeling and machine learning to quantify health outcomes for a rare disease. The project augments existing knowledge through application to a real-world industry problem while gaining transferrable skills of handling of industry data and developing data analytics workflows working alongside a Swiss-based data consultancy for an international client.

Remote (home office), online meetings, potentially in-person meetings in Bern
11/10/2024 at 09:55 Two Circles Driving Season Ticket Holder Attendance and Retention in the Sports Industry

Creation and training of machine learning models on multi-sport datasets (predominantly football, rugby and cricket) to identify general and sport-specific indicators to boost season ticket attendance and retention. The project will involve extensive analysis of demographic, behavioral and transactional fan data, from a range of European sports rightsholders.

Possible to work flexibly from home or at any of our offices.
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Please be aware that some of the projects listed above might not be available today, but they could give ideas for possible future projects.

In case you have any question or are interested in learning more, please contact Elena Benedetto.

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