National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

Archive of previous job ads (do not apply)

Informatiker/in mit Schwerpunkt Web-Design (80-100%)

Im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunkt (NFS PlanetS) und der CHEOPS Weltraummission sucht das Center for Space and Habitability per 1.11.2018 oder nach Vereinbarung eine/n Informatiker/in mit Schwerpunkt Web-Design (80-100%) In Ihren Aufgabenbereich fallen: Pflege und Verwaltung von bestehenden Web-Auftritten Neu- und Weiterentwicklung von Web-Applikationen (PHP, SQL, JavaScript, Ajax) Installation und Wartung jeglicher webbasierten Tools (z.B. […]

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Phd position on the statistical comparison between planet population synthesis and observations at the universities of Bern and Geneva

Phd position on the statistical comparison between planet population synthesis and observations at the universities of Bern and Geneva. We are offering a new PhD position in the field of planetary sciences. The PhD student is expected to make the link between the theoretical efforts of planet population modeling developed in Bern and the actual […]

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PhD Position – University of Bern

The CSH is a multi-disciplinary center for scientists working on the formation, detection and characterization of other worlds, the definition of life and our search for it elsewhere in the Universe. It is home to astronomers, atmospheric, climate and planetary researchers, geologists and geophysicists, biologists, chemists and philosophers. PHD POSITION IN ASTROCHEMISTRY, STAR AND PLANET […]

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