Vonarburg Barbara, Ms.

Please give us a personal quote or a quote of a famous person (e.g. of Albert Einstein) that describes you and your life/work.
“Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try, no hell below us, above us only sky” (John Lennon)
Please describe your job in only one sentence and tell us what the most important goal of this work is.
As a science journalist I try to get people interested in fascinating new research results.
How did you get into this research/work field?
Since I always have been interested in astronomy I studied physics but happened to end up in journalism by chance. After having worked for newspapers and TV for decades, with PlanetS I am able to combine my skills and interests.
What would be the greatest discovery you would like to see in your life time?
Extraterrestrial life.
You work for the NCCR PlanetS. What do you think will the NCCR enable you to do you couldn’t do without it?
Switzerland internationally plays a leadership role in planetary sciences. Working for PlanetS means for me to be able to witness how top research is done.
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