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Workshop on Exoplanet Densities: Observations and Modeling
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Dear ALL,
We remind you of the 1-day NCCR PlanetS workshop in Bern on “Exoplanet densities: Observations and modeling” which will be on May 3 (Wednesday) this year.
Your doodle entries helped us to fixing May 3. Now, for a definite registration, please check your doodle-entry and edit/add if necessary: http://doodle.com/poll/vksby8fhihss2gts
Combining photometric transits with radial velocity measurements yields planetary radius, mass and thus bulk density. The possible range of interior structures that can be modelled from mass and radius is generally large. Also, to date only few dozen of low-mass exoplanets (Mini-Neptunes and super-Earth) have uncertainties on mass and radius below 20 %. As a consequence, the diversity among super-Earths and Mini-Neptunes is largely unknown. In the context of photometric experiments like NGTS, TESS and CHEOPS and incoming RV facilities like ESPRESSO and NIRPS, the workshop aims to adress the following main topics:
– Precision and accuracy of planetary mass & radius measurements:
Possible improvements and the importance of stellar parameters.
– Characterization of planet interiors:
Quantifying parameter degeneracy and the required data precision for determining interior types.
– Planet formation and evolution:
What we can learn from the distribution of exoplanets.
Place: Bern, Uni Bern, main building, room 304, Hochschulstrasse 6, 3012 Bern
Confirmed speakers and their topics are:
Jose Almenara (UniGe) on photo-dynamical analysis of TTVs to derive precise densities
Fatemeh Motalebi (UniGe) on spectroscopic and photometric observations with HARPS-N
Jonas Haldemann (UniBe) on data precision that is needed to determine planetary interiors
Christoph Mordasini (UniBe) on the transition from gaseous to solid planets
If you are interested in contributing a short presentation, or suggesting a topic to be discussed, please send an email to caroline.dorn@space.unibe.ch or Francois.Bouchy@unige.ch by end of March.
Lunch/snacks/coffee will be provided and travel expenses will be reimbursed by PlanetS.
Regarding the expenses:
– each institute pays for the travel of participants locally first and then sends a collective bill to the Academic Platform
– the Academic Platform pays for the travel, but not for overnight stays for 1-day workshops
You’ll soon receive the final schedule for the workshop day.
Best wishes,
Caroline and François