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SNF Site Visit 4
29/05/2018 - 30/05/2018
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The fourth NCCR PlanetS Site Visit will take place on Mai 29 &30, 2018 at the University of Bern, Hörsaal Getrud Woker Strasse, Getrud Woker Strasse 5, 3012 Bern.
Invitation opened up to associates of the NCCR:
We are glad to inform you, that we have enough seats also for associates! So we are happy to open up the invitation to all associates of the NCCR! The Site Visit is not mandatory for the associates, but you are invited to join if you are interested.
It is important that a maximum number of NCCR members (cash and in-kind) attend this event.
This means on Day 1, Tuesday, 29.05.2018, all of you (in particular PhD students, postdocs and senior scientists) are supposed to be there.
For Day 2, Wednesday, 30.05.2018, only project/platform leaders, the programme office, a few people from platforms and the domain spokespersons for phase 2 have to attend.
In order to organize the logistics, please register, via the following link.
Registration closes on May 1, 2018:
Tuesday, 29.05.2018 & Wednesday, 30.05.2018
Day 1, Tuesday, 29.05.2018, will take place at the
University of Bern
Hörsaal Getrud Woker Strasse
Getrud Woker Strasse 5
3012 Bern
Day 2, Wednesday, 30.05.2018, will take place at
Seminarroom -108 (downstairs)
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6
3012 Bern
Travel expenses:
NCCR members:
The NCCR will reimburse travel expenses for NCCR members. Please claim refunding at your home institution on NCCR level, where a collective invoice will be issued to the programme office in Bern.
Unfortunately the NCCR is not able to cover the travel expenses for associates.
Arrival by car:
Rides with your private car will only be reimbursed in justified cases (e.g. cost saving compared to equivalent of a halfprice-trainticket or carpooling). CHF 0.70 / kilometer can be reimbursed in such cases.
Templates for posters and presentations:
Please download them here: http://nccr-planets.ch/groups/templates/documents/
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Janine Jungo janine.jungo@space.unibe.ch or 031 631 32 39.