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NCCR Inter-Project Meeting #1: Planet Formation by Pebble Accretion
14/12/2015 @ 10:00 - 17:00
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The first of NCCR inter-project meeting will be devoted to planet formation by pebbles accretion, and related topics, including:
– theoretical models of planet formation by pebbles accretion
– thermal and chemical evolution of pebbles during their drift in the protoplanetary disk
– cosmo-chemical constraints on the origin of material forming the inner bodies of planetary systems (in particular solar system)
– theoretical models of pebble formation
– dust/solid observations in protoplanetary disks
– any other related topics.
The meeting will have the form of some informal presentations by some speakers on key topics, followed by discussions. The goal of the meeting is to initiate new collaborations, in particular between projects. All NCCR members and associated members are invited to participate, the costs of the trip to Bern will be covered by the Academic Coordination Platform.
For organisation purpose, we ask interested people to contact Yann Alibert and Janine Jungo before the end of November, and we may have to limit the number of participants to 25.
Venue – University of Bern, Parkterrasse 14, Room 323, 3012 Bern
The meeting will take place in Meeting Room 323 at the Parkterrasse 14 (refer to map below) near the train station. It is directly across from the Exakte Wissenschaft building (ExWi), down the stairs and the first door on your right.
At 13:00 we will have lunch and Coffee at the Mensa, Gesellschaftstrasse 2, 3012 Bern. With your University Card you will get the reduced price for the “natürlich vegi” and the “einfach gut” Menu.
Yann Alibert, Universität Bern
Sareh Ataiee, Universität Bern
Natacha Brügger, Universität Bern
Joanna Drazskowska, Universität Zürich
Kevin Heng, Universität Bern
Tim Lichtenberg, ETH Zürich
Esther Linder, Universität Bern
Ulysse Marboeuf, Universität Bern
Michael R. Meyer, ETH Zürich
Klaus Mezger, Universität Bern
Christoph Mordasini, Universität Bern
Jonas Pape, Universität Bern
Olivier Poch, Universität Bern
Antoine Pommerol, Universität Bern
Sascha Quanz, ETH Zürich
Hans-Martin Schmid, ETH Zürich
Maria Schönbächler, ETH Zürich
Clea Serpollier, Universität Bern
Clement Surville, Universität Zürich
David Swoboda, Universität Bern
Amaury Thiabaud, Universität Bern
Hauke Vollstadt, Universität Bern