Pelletier Stefan, Dr.

Phase 3 – Domain B – Project 3, Université de Genève, Département d’Astronomie
1290 Versoix
+41 22 379 24 02
Please give us a personal quote or a quote of a famous person (e.g. of Albert Einstein) that describes you and your life/work. | |
“Perfectionism is not as much the desire for excellence, as it is the fear of failure couched in procrastination.” -Dan Mille | |
Please describe your job in only one sentence and tell us what the most important goal of this work is. | |
I study the atmospheric composition of hot giant exoplanets with the goal of determining their formation history. | |
How did you get into this research/work field? | |
I became very excited about exoplanets after meeting my eventual PhD supervisor. He explained to me his research, and although I did not understand much, his enthusiasm was contagious and my choice was made. | |
What would be the greatest discovery you would like to see in your life time? | |
I want to see an exo-planet-moon system where we can characterize the atmospheres of both bodies. | |
You work for the NCCR PlanetS. What do you think will the NCCR enable you to do you couldn’t do without it? | |
An alternative position I was considering for a postdoc was part of a very small exoplanet group. Here, being part of PlanetS will not only allow me to have access to a wealth of data and resources, but also place in an environment surrounded by experts spanning a wide range of expertises. |
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