National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

Internal Newsletter

Machine Learning Workshop

Machine Learning Workshop

Last February the Geneva Observatory hosted a Machine Learning workshop. Machine Learning methods have been around for many years now and their use is growing within the astronomical community. This 3 day workshop focused on the practical use of supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning techniques on astronomical data, with short theoretical introductions followed by extensive […]

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Fine-tuning Espresso

Fine-tuning Espresso

ESPRESSO has been opened to the astronomical community and finally started operations on the 24th of October 2018. Since, it is producing scientific data in the so-called 1-UT mode (one single telescope used), and the first results point towards an amazing measurement precision. “It’s not that bad right now,” says Francesco Pepe of PlanetS and […]

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Ask the NCCR

Ask the NCCR

Do you want to know more about PlanetS, its organization, structure, options, prospects or limitations? After the last General Assembly and some subsequent discussions, we thought that a number of issues might not be clear and asked you to send us all these questions you have about the NCCR that you never had a chance […]

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Knowledge transfer with a short-term project

Knowledge transfer with a short-term project

Are you PhD-student, postdoc or engineer, PlanetS Member or Associate? Have you developed competences or ideas that maybe applied to areas outside your specific research activities? Would you like to have a work experience outside of PlanetS in industry or in another research laboratory/institution for a limited period of time while still being employed by […]

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Facebook volunteers wanted

Facebook volunteers wanted

Adding some valuable skills to your CV in just 5 to 10 minutes per week… impossible you think? Well, you are wrong, it is possible. By Thibaut Roger On the first of March 2016, the NCCR PlanetS, following recommendation of the evaluating panel, created its Facebook page. Two and a half year later, we are […]

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The VLT at Palexpo in Geneva

The VLT at Palexpo in Geneva

“When last year the organizers of the Cité des Métiers asked us whether the astronomy department of the University of Geneva would accept to be the guest of honour of the exhibition, we immediately realized that the visibility offered by such an event represented an opportunity to be seized. The rest proved that we were […]

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How do YOU shop?

How do YOU shop?

Gendered marketing seems to be bigger than ever By Nadine Afram Stereotyping at an early age, in fact from the day we are born and surrounded by our pink dolls and pink bedrooms or monster trucks and superheroes, can affect us longer than we like to think. In STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths), women […]

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