National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

Author Archive

How to find signs of life in space

How to find signs of life in space

Astrophysicists of the NCCR PlanetS contributed to a series of NASA papers that lay out strategies to search for signs of life beyond our solar system. They assume that the detection of atmospheric signatures of a few potentially habitable planets may possibly come before 2030. Three years ago, NASA has gathered researchers from around the […]

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Where Medical Technology and Astrophysics Meet

Where Medical Technology and Astrophysics Meet

At the University of Bern, astrophysicists of the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) teamed up with medical technology researchers to develop a new method to analyse spectra of atmospheres of planets beyond our solar system. The unusual collaboration applied an artificial intelligence tool to study the chemistry of exoplanetary atmospheres. When Kevin Heng, director […]

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Real added value

Real added value

By Francesco Pepe On May 29th and 30th PlanetS will have its 4th Site Visit. This important event is concurrent with the end of the first phase of the NCCR, and may be an occasion to make a step back, breath and … meditate: Where would Planetary Science in Switzerland stand today without PlanetS? What […]

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Observing the Sun to detect planets

Observing the Sun to detect planets

The detection of small exoplanets like the Earth is subject to many difficulties, in particular those introduced by the intrinsic variation of the star which can be confused with the presence of a planet. An international team of astronomers and engineers, led by scientist from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and member of PlanetS, has […]

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“We are the majority of PlanetS”

“We are the majority of PlanetS”

Currently attached to the NCCR PlanetS are 56 PhDs, 46 PostDocs, 32 Senior Scientists, and 18 permanent positions. To make their concerns heard, the young scientists joined forces and elected representatives. Caroline Dorn is one of them: “I think, the way how we do science is effecting what we do in science. That’s something to keep […]

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Interculturality and Diversity

Interculturality and Diversity

By Nadine Afram How diverse is PlanetS? How many cultures do we bring together at PlanetS? If we speak in terms of nationalities of NCCR members, we gather approximately 130 persons of 30 different nationalities, and a multitude of languages. Like in many research environments, this is not unusual. In a broader sense, many more […]

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In memory of Victoria Ann Roloff

In memory of Victoria Ann Roloff

On the 12 February 2018 we had to learn of the sudden and unexpected passing of our most valued friend and colleague, Victoria Ann Roloff. Inspired by the night skies, she dreamed of becoming a scientist from an early age. After a successful career at Cardiff University and the University of Surrey she joined us at the […]

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Learn to brand your science with “brain radio”

Learn to brand your science with “brain radio”

Explainables Workshop at Bern University for NCCR PlanetS The first PlanetS workshop in collaboration with, a science communication network founded by young researches from all over the world, was focused on developing communication and marketing skills for our PlanetS students and postdocs. About 20 early career scientists from first year grad students to established […]

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Between Science and Fiction

Between Science and Fiction

Over the Ascension days the Fantasy Basel opened its doors for fans of film, game, comic, and cosplay from all over Europe. With four halls (total area > 60’000 m2), more than 300 exhibitors, 150 artists, and stars from film and TV, this convention is the largest in Switzerland and “one of the most beautiful […]

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