The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) is a visual imaging system that was built by the University of Bern with support from several institutions in Europe and the US. The NCCR contributed to CaSSIS in the early phases and was very important in supporting its genesis. The camera was launched from Baikonur onboard the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter on 14 March 2016. A book has been produced with 180 of the most beautiful colour images of the surface of Mars taken by CaSSIS from orbit. This book was published on 14 March 2022 with the idea of celebrating the 6th anniversary of the launch. The invasion of Ukraine has unfortunately prevented us from publicising the book because the mission was (and is) jointly developed by ESA and Roscosmos. All images are published with the credit, ESA/Roscosmos/CaSSIS. ESA is very sensitive to this because of the numerous collaborations with Roscosmos. Many of you will be aware of the issue with the ExoMars Rover (Rosalind Franklin), for example, and also perhaps with the problem that the mission, Euclid, now has. We have been asked not to publicise the book or to put out any further pictures on social media. Nonetheless, the book is available and can be purchased (the publisher is Werd & Weber in Thun) – even from Amazon! It is in 5 languages and is written to be accessible to the general public. More information
Categories: Internal Newsletter