National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

PlanetS goes Facebook

Get news from Facebook about the latest PlanetS results in planetary sciences. In addition to our Flickr and Youtube channels, PlanetS will gain more visibility through our own Facebook profile from springtime 2016 onwards.


We want to address the broad public with at least two postings per day, telling the people about our activities and researchers, and news about exoplanets and planetary sciences.

For that purpose, we need you – interested and committed authors from all projects and platforms, who fill our news queue. You don’t necessarily need to be a Facebook user, but you should be able to comprehensibly write about a scientific topic in two or three sentences.

Who joins? Give notice to our Facebook team ( Further information will follow during the workshop “Online presence of the NCCR PlanetS” at our upcoming General Assembly in Grindelwald.

Categories: Internal Newsletter

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