Members of PlanetS rewarded

Pierre Bratschi, Chantal Taçoy and Piero Pontelandolfo receive the “Making a Difference” prize awarded by Geneva Tourism and the Convention Centre Office.
In September 2019, the NCCR PlanetS organized, on the fringe of the EPSC-DPS Congress on exoplanets, an exhibition on the Plaine de Plainpalais in the center of the town presenting to the public the stakes of research on exoplanets. Geneva Tourism and the Geneva Convention Centre Office found the idea of involving the people of Geneva in a congress through a didactic exhibition remarkable. Pierre Bratschi, communications officer and exhibition organiser, Chantal Taçoy, secretary, and Piero Pontelandolfo, technology transfer officer, all three members of the NCCR PlanetS and Astronomy Department of University of Geneva, received the prize “Making a Difference Award” for the most original congress.
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