National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS
Gesellschaftsstrasse 6 | 3012 Bern | Switzerland
  +41 31 684 32 39

New PlanetS mailing lists

To facilitate communication among PlanetS members we created new mailing lists. They all belong to the domain and can be used by sending emails to, where LIST_NAME is one of the lists presented below.

Currently, all mailing lists are set to “non-moderated”, which means that emails sent to the list are forwarded to all recipients without admin or moderator approval. Please use the larger lists (i.e. all-members) with care.
At the moment, we cannot offer self-management of your list membership to any other than Bernese fixed IPs, so you have to email Janine Jungo or Timm Riesen if you would like your email address changed, removed, or added to a list. This will hopefully change in the future.
We added everybody to the lists using common sense and encourage all to try them out and provide feedback.

Available lists in alphabetic order:


John would like to send an email to folks involved with DACE. He sends it to The email subject will get a list prefix and everybody in the list will receive John’s email with no further wait or interaction.
Replying: If a recipient replies to John, his email address is used (and not the list). The list can always be put in CC if indicated.

More details will be put on the internal web pages, especially about the self-management of membership when it becomes available.


Categories: Internal Newsletter

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