Art and space

#InspiredByOtherWorlds, an “Art contest” for all launched by Europlanet
This year and for the first time, the European congress dedicated to exoplanets (which took place in Geneva last year) will take place online, as a consequence of the health crisis. On this occasion the Europlanet society (#EPSC2020) invites schools and space enthusiasts of all ages to an art contest called #InspiredByOtherWorlds. If art is expected to inspire and be shared, it can also allow us to go beyond our practical limits, just like planetary science which allows us to go beyond the limits of our world. What happens when a passion for art and a passion for planetary exploration meet? To answer this question in part, we suggest that you let your imagination travel across our galaxy to meet unexplored worlds.
Show us how such a journey can inspire you to create drawings, stories, photos, videos, music, or in other words artistic works.
The “InspiredByOtherWorlds” contributions will be presented in a virtual exhibition and highlighted in a special session at the Europlanet 2020 Scientific Congress (#EPSC2020), which will be held as a virtual meeting from 21 September to 9 October. However, submissions are accepted until 31 October 2020. All submitted works will be examined by a jury of scientists and artists. The winning works of art or performances will be shared via the Europlanet website, newsletters and social media and will be used to inspire young people in future Europlanet mainstream activities.
All information and registration form on the Europlanet website
Categories: News